Lactation Consultation Approx 1.5 hours


Breastfeeding is natural, but it doesn’t mean it’s easy for everyone. We are here to help! Come see our lactation consultant Vanessa Alza-Morgan RN, IBCLC, one-on-one for a thorough evaluation of you and your baby.

In-office lactation consultation $250, approx 1-1.5 hours.
A charge of $25 for each additional 15 minutes will be added after 1.5 hours.
In-office follow-up $175, approx 45 minutes.
Virtual consultation, 45 minutes $175.

Please call or text 786.592.6774 to schedule and confirm your consultation. Fee is due at time of visit via Zelle to We also accept FSA/HSA & credit cards.

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Lactation Consultation

12/18 1pm